As a small business owner, keep in mind that you should be grateful for your existing clients.
Many businesses spend a lot of time, energy and money on trying to get new customers in the door. You should not ignore those who already use your products or services. Part of your marketing plan should include adding value for your existing customers. The cost of holding onto current clients is actually lower then obtaining a new one.
Why not take a moment to show gratitude to current clients, they will appreciate it and it will strengthen the relationship you have with them.
Happy clients can also lead to new clients by word of mouth. If you are knocking it out of the park with your clients they will be happy to sing your praise to others. Word of mouth is an important marketing tool that is sometimes overlooked.
Here at Blue Stripe Creative we are grateful for each client we have. Every relationship is important to us. We would like to thank all of our clients for choosing to work with us. We try our hardest to bring you the best products and services and we look forward to continuing the relationships.